The Biden Coverup: The Corporate Press, And The New Press
"The durability of free speech and free press rests on the simple concept that it search for the truth and tell the truth." (Herbert Hoover)
On October 2, 1919, President Wilson suffered a stroke and could no longer fulfill the duties as President. For the next 16 months the press was complacent in his wife and his doctor hiding Wilson’s debilitating condition and allowing the U.S. to be governed by a shadow government. Many believe Wilson’s wife ran the government during this time, however, to this day no one knows for sure who the power behind throne was.
Sound familiar? It should.
This past week the Wall Street Journal published a ‘bombshell report’ exposing the cover up of Biden’s mental decline…since 2020. This was followed by Chris Cillizza’s ‘confession’ and ‘apology’ for not pushing harder when reporting on Biden’s mental acuity, or more accurately, Biden’s lack of mental acuity. I suspect we’ll see more of these “I got religion, and I apologize for not doing my job’ pieces from “journalists.” Don’t fall for it. They’re all nothing but the droppings of a male bovine.
It was apparent to everyone who follows politics, well at least to everyone who has two working brain cells and follows politics, that Biden’s mental acuity was not what it should have been when he started campaigning - and it quickly got worse. However, not only did the press fail to investigate and report this fact…they actively covered it up.
How often over the last five years did the press assure us that Biden was as “sharp as a tack,” that unflattering videos were taken out of context, and talk of his lack of mental acuity was just MAGA misinformation? Further, many, if not most of our “journalists” attacked everyone who dared question Biden’s mental abilities as “enemies of democracy,” right wing MAGA fanatics, fascists, and Nazis who were spreading ‘misinformation’ in order to install the bad orange man as President.
Now the press, or at least the WSJ and Cillizza are condescendingly admitting that what the people knew five years ago, but the press denied - is true. I don’t want to be crass, but they can take their condescending apologies and shove ‘em.
Biden’s acute mental decline was obvious since 2019. Even the most fanatical anti-Trumpers and staunchest Biden supporters saw the decline, it was impossible for them not to have seen it. They may have denied Biden had mental problems, and they may have talked themselves into believing he did not, but they saw it. I can understand, and even excuse these people. For whatever reason, they believed “democracy” would end if Trump was elected and bent reality to fit their beliefs, beliefs that are firmly grounded on the shifting sands of delusion, but honest beliefs nonetheless. But journalist? No, I don’t understand their actions and certainly can’t excuse them. At a minimum, journalists are supposed to honestly report what they see. And that’s exactly what they did not do.
As late as July 2023 the ‘panel’ on Morning Joe assured us Biden was fine. Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post stated Biden was as “sharp as a tack” and MSNBC’s John Heilemann assured us that Biden's performance on the world stage is "better than any of us around this table could do." Hell, as late as June 21, 2024, the New York Times claimed “Videos of [President] Biden . . . are clearly manipulated to make him look old and confused.” The tragedy here is that these dishonest “journalists” were not the exception to the rule…they were the rule.
Even after Biden’s disaster of a debate many journalists were gladly doing softball interviews with Biden apologists like Dr. Fauci (yea, that Fauci) and National Security Spokesman John Kirby who defended Biden’s debate performance as "not reflective" of his abilities. Further, most “journalists” who were not providing a friendly platform to the Biden apologists, were content to sit on their keyboards and let their colleagues spread that “misinformation” unchecked.
As infuriating as it is that not a single journalist has been held accountable for their journalistic malpractice, their industry has been. CNN and MSNBC ratings have tanked. Many newspapers are being forced to adjust their operations, the L.A. Times is leading the way in this area. Will they be sucessful in regaining the credibility they lost? I doubt it. But whether they do or don’t is of no import because the new media has come into being.
Musk’s purchase of X and his commitment to free speech is certainly a major catalyst for the rise of the new media, but not the only one. Without those who write on independent platforms like X and substack, as well as independent bloggers such as Jester Politics and InstaPundit there could be no new press. And let’s not forget independant podcasters such as Megyn Kelly, Joe Rogan, and Sharyl Attkisson to name just a few.
So yes, the Biden coverup is the biggest media scandal since the media was complacent in covering up President Wilson’s stroke in 1919. But it, along with X, are among the driving forces in taking the new press to the next level. However, for the new press to suceed, those who create its content must do so honestly and with integrity, and those who support the new press must demand honesty and integrity from the content creators. If we don’t do both, then in time the “new press” of today will morph into the “corporate press” of tomorrow. Just as surely as the pigs morphed into humans in Orwell’s Animal Farm.
It is up to us, choose wisely.
Any bills he supposedly signed during the period he was or still is not right, should be reversed.